Fun Facts About Christmas

Keeley Fenley

As we prepare for the arrival of Christmas, we are going to take inventory of some of the fun facts surrounding this holiday. When did certain traditions begin, and who started them? What are some of the most iconic images associated with Christmas? You might be surprised to learn some new information about Christmas things you thought you knew but didn’t! 

The reindeer Rudolph was created by the Montgomery Ward department store to encourage children to buy their coloring books for Christmas. That original Rudolph did NOT have a red nose because red noses were thought to be an indicator of chronic alcoholism, and Montgomery Ward did not want the reindeer to look like a drunkard. 

The original names of Santa’s Eight reindeer were Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Dunder, and Blixem. Dunder and Blixem were German for Thunder and Lightning. Over time these two names morphed into Donner and Blitzen. 

The iconic photo of Santa flying through the sky in his sled and passing across the moon dates back to 1819 and was created by Washington Irving, the same author who created the Legend of Sleepy Hollow and the Headless Horseman. 

The first batch of American eggnog was made in the Jamestown settlement in 1607. The name comes from “Grog,” which means any beverage that is made with rum. 

The U.S. playing card company Bicycle manufactured cards to give to all the POWS in Germany during World War II as Christmas presents. When the cards were soaked in water, they revealed an escape route for POWS. 

In Poland, spiders are considered to be symbols of prosperity and goodness at Christmas. Spiders and spider webs are often used to decorate Christmas trees. There is a legend that a spider wove a blanket for baby Jesus to keep him warm. 

Tinsel was invented in 1610 in Germany and was once made of real silver.

Some of the most famous Christmas songs were all written or co-written by Jews. The songs include: “Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” “White Christmas,” “Walking In a Winter Wonderland,” “I’ll Be Home for Christmas,” “The Christmas Song,” and the melody to “O Holy Night.” 

Handel’s “Messiah” was first performed in Dublin, Ireland, in 1742. 

Nova Scotia is the world’s leading exporter of Christmas Trees.

Jingle Bells was the first song sung by astronauts Tom Stafford and Wally Schirra in space on December 16, 1965.

The first Christmas was celebrated on December 25, AD 336, in Rome. 

More than 3 billion Christmas cards are sent in the U.S. alone every year.

If you need to recycle your live Christmas tree, check with your local zoo. Many take them and use them as food for the animals. 

In 2010 during the Christmas season, the Columbian government decorated jungle trees with Christmas lights. The trees lit up when the guerillas walked by, and banners appeared asking them to surrender their arms. The campaign convinced 331 guerilla soldiers to re-enter society and won an award for strategic marketing excellence. 

We wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and Holiday Season.


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